Need to find a CompareRite upgrade or replace CompareRite?

CompareRite Replacement Software

Our Customers

Softinterface Customer IBM

Great customer service, prompt attention to our requirements and lightening speed development has been my experience with the staff at Softinterface Inc. Within a few hours of installing...
Bruce King, IBM Canada, Toronto, Ontario

"We like the product. It is fast and accurate. It seems to pick up all of the differences in the documents, and it does a good job of displaying those differences. We like the easy to use interface. That is why we bought it!”
Richard M. Baker LexisNexis

"I am very happy with the software. It does exactly what I need it to do and it is configurable to my preferences. I really don't have anything negative to say about it. It is more affordably priced than other software I looked at and does the job - just what I hope I can say of software. Yes I had used CompareRite in the past, although not recently. I had no difficulty with the transition."Neil A. Kaufman
Barrister, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Softinterface customer EMC

Your products are very impressive, easy to use and script compatible, for what we desired in the management of MS Word and Excel files. Thank you for your continue contact with me in regards to these tools.  Mark Purinton
EMC Corporation

Need a CompareRite Replacement?

Use 'Diff Doc' for a CompareRite Upgrade

'Diff Doc' from SoftInterface is working hard to fast become the replacement of CompareRite (Created by LexisNexis).

Although Word's track changes feature has appeal because you are able to see changes as you go, it also has a very dangerous feature for lawyers. When you use track changes to redline, Word deposits "metadata" in the document, which includes information about who made the changes, and when. But metadata also includes the changes themselves.... This is a big enough problem that even Microsoft in its knowledge base recommends that lawyers not use the feature.

You demand fast and accurate document comparisons, and now you can have it.  'Diff Doc' is a powerful yet easy to use folder/file compare and remediation utility. Use it to compare files of all types including MS Word/Excel, PDF, RTF, Text, XML, HTML, Wordperfect and more.  Our document comparison utility works the way all software should -- accurately, quickly, simply, and affordably.

Regardless of the editor you are using (MS Word, Excel, Wordpad, Notepad, etc.), simply load the original and modified files, press the Refresh button Comparerite replacement, 'Diff Doc' (or F5), and the document comparison will display promptly. Additionally, you can compare folders to see exactly what files have changed before doing a detailed file comparison.

Compare Files and Folders

'Diff Doc' can display the file differences in two possible views, 'All In One', or 'Side By Side'. Both views have their advantages, and switching between them is as easy as a mouse click (or F6). Lastly, there is a large selection of report types and options available for sharing the differences found with your peers.

It is the best document comparison tool you've never tried.... till today!  Click here to download and get your free trial. 

Need more details? Click here for full documentation.  A feature list and a quick overview of usage follows below.

If you are looking for a Comparerite replacement we highly suggest you download and try this product.


Being able to compare documents easily, quickly and accurately is essential to your workflow. Now you can have it with 'Diff Doc' - your one-stop document comparison solution for file comparisons of all types.

Our document comparison utility works the way that all software ideally would - accurately, quickly, simply and affordably.

Save Time

'Diff Doc' was built to make file comparisons a quick and easy saving you time. You can even schedule/automate comparisons. 

'Diff Doc' — BATCH — 80x25
C:\>Use the command line
   to automate file comparing.


C:\>CompareRite Replacement.bat

Powerful Command Line File Comparison

Command line capability is fundamental to ALL of our software tools. We are always here to help you implement our software.

Easy to use
File Compare Features

Compare at the word or character level. See comparison side by side or all in one. Check! 

Comparerite upgrade 'Diff Doc'

'Diff Doc' Features

File Comparison Features

All the bells and whistles you would expect from a Softinterface product:
  • Compare documents of MS Word (DOC, DOCX etc.), Excel, PDF, Rich Text (RTF), Text, HTML, XML, PowerPoint or WordPerfect. Retain your formatting.
  • Choose any portion of any document and compare it against any portion of the same or different document.
  • Word to word or letter to letter comparisons. See clearly what changed in a sentence, down to the letter.
  • Compare files of any type against any file type (i.e. Compare PDF to a Word document).
  • View differences with both 'Side By Side' and 'All In One' views.
  • Change the colors and formatting used to highlight the document changes.
  • Quickly compare files via easy integration in the Explorer Shell (Windows Explorer, Desktop and Find In Files.) Use the Right Mouse click to initiate.
  • Explore paragraph differences in rich detail.
  • Compare text from any application by cutting and pasting into 'Diff Doc'.
  • Save any view in DOC, Text, RTF or HTML format.
  • Create detailed HTML Reports for quick and easy printing and e-mailing of results. Both Side By Side and All In One compare reports are supported. See a sample HTML report.
  • Run Text and Comma Delimited reports.
  • Navigate easily through the file differences with the Next (F7), Previous (Shift+F7) and other navigation buttons. Use the drop down list box to jump to a specific difference.
  • Compare folders first, then quickly see what files are different and compare them with a mouse click.
  • Use with WorldDox, and any other document management software that supports third party file comparison applications through the command line. Click here for details.
  • Adapt software functionality for all languages.
  • Run file comparisons from the Command Line or build your own solutions by using the ActiveX COM interface (available upon request).


Years of 'Diff Doc' development. Time tested for your demanding requirements.


Non-profit organizations assisted. Are you a member of one? Let us know, we would like to help.


Customers in 110 countries. 1 in 3 Fortune 500 companies use our software.
'Diff Doc' is compatible with Office 97 through Office 2019. Yes, we've been at it that long!

Using 'Diff Doc' to Compare Files

A brief overview of how our document comparison tool is used.

Using 'Diff Doc' is as simple as copying and pasting (or loading) the files into the application and then pressing the "Show Differences" button or F5.  'Diff Doc' has powerful capabilities described in more detail below.
There are 3 main tabs within the program for file comparisons:
Compare Files
options button Compare Options
report options button Report Options
Explore the functionality of each tab below.

compare files software logo  Compare Files

The 'Compare Files' tab offers important functionality that you will want to use often.
There are 3 and up to a maximum of 4 editor boxes displayed.  The top two editors are referred to as the "Original editor" and "Modified editor" (Hint: you can hide them by pressing F8).

The text editors below are referred to as the 'Diff editor(s).’ You can see the differences between the Original and Modified within the Diff editors.  

The first step to comparing is to load both the editors (Original and Modified) either by selecting files, copying and pasting data, or composing new text. Use the File menu item to load files or position the mouse over the file you wish to load within Windows Explorer and use the right mouse click to display the context menu. 

Copying and pasting is done differently for different programs. However, in most cases, simply highlighting the text, and pressing CTRL-C will copy text to the Windows Clipboard. To paste, simply click on the Original or Modified text box, and press CTRL-V.  

Once the upper editors contain information to be compared, press the refresh button File Comparison Refresh or F5. You will then see the differences between the Original and Modified editors displayed in the Diff editor(s).

Stop the comparison process by pressing the abort button on the toolbarDiff PDF Files. 'Diff Doc' will use the color codes and formatting in the table below by default. You can change these highlighting items within the 'Compare Options’ or View tab.

Color Meaning
Changed Change has occurred.  Original text is shown as red, bold, with a strike through, whereas the Modified text is shown in bold red.
Added An addition to the Original document has occurred.  It is shown in bold green.
Deleted A deletion from the Original document has occurred.  It is shown in bold blue with strike through font.

Table: How Differences Are Highlighted by Default (Customizable)

Navigating through Differences You've Found (F7, Shift-F7)

Once the difference view has been refreshed, and at least one difference has been found, you can use the navigation toolbar and keys.
Here are the commands you can use for quick, easy navigation through all the differences you have found when you compare documents.

Button Purpose
compare files review button, jump to first difference Ctrl-Shift-F7 Jump to first difference
compare files review button, go to previous difference  Shift-F7 Jump to previous difference.
file comparison review button, jump to next difference  F7 Jump to next difference
compare files review button, jump to last difference  CTRL-F7 Jump to last difference
compare files review button, jump to specific difference  F4 Jump to difference you specify

There is also a drop down list box in the toolbar that can be used to jump to a specific difference.

Toggle between Views (F6)

The largest button within the toolbar will alternate the diff viewer between the "All In One" and "Side By Side" views. Typically, those dealing with literary content will like the "All In One" view, whereas programmers dealing with source code will like the "Side By Side" view. Alternating between views also gives you a feel for how the red-lining really works.

compare files software create report button Create Reports (F2)
The "Report" button (or F2) will create the report as specified. You can also print or save any of the editors by using the right mouse button or selecting the editor with the left mouse and then go to the file menu.

file comparison swap original and modified button Swap Text within the Master and Source (F9)
The "Swap text" button or F9 will take the text within the Original and Modified editors and exchange them, and then automatically refresh the diff viewer. 

file comparison options button Compare Options

The "Compare Files Options Button Compare Options" tab has many items, but the most important are listed below:

Setting Description
Ignore Case Ignore character upper and lower case differences when comparing
Ignore Whitespace Characters Tabs, spaces etc. will be ignored when comparing
Ignore Empty Lines Ignore lines that are completely empty when doing a file comparison. White space characters alone will make a line not empty.
Beep When Done When set, a system beep will occur when the file comparison has completed.
Remove formatting To do a pure text comparison, check this option to remove all formatting when comparing documents.
Letter by letter comparison Compare to the letter if enabled, otherwise by the word.

diff file create report button Report Options

Pressing the F2 creates the report after a comparison has completed. The "Compare Files Report Options Button Report Options" tab allows you to select the type and style of the report created. There are 4 report file types: MS Word, HTML, Text and Comma Delimited. MS Word style reports come out with the best detail and have options to specify exactly what you want within report. HTML reports have an additional option of specifying either "All In One" or "Side By Side" view.

Printing and E-Mailing Reports

Once the report is created, it is shown in an appropriate application. DOC is shown in Microsoft Word and HTML reports are shown in a browser. You will be able to save, print and email any of your reports. Other reports may show up in Notepad, which can be printed, edited or saved from there.


"I have a small (2 Attorney) law firm and do quite a bit of contract intensive business law and real estate work. Like many others I have been very frustrated by Word's erratic document comparison tool. At times it highlights entire paragraphs rather than just the changes. Like everyone else who has griped in this forum, I too found the pricing of Delta View to be prohibitively high.

After reading about Word DocDiff here, I recently downloaded the trial version from the Word DocDiff website I found the interface very useable and the results (for my purposes) were quite good. It can provide several different views illustrating the changes made to the document as well as a combined "redline" document in word format showing all of the changes. It can also provide a report identifying the page and paragraph number where the changes are located.

I have only used the tool about twenty times so far and therefore would hesitate to say it is the greatest thing since sliced bread, however, I would say it is well worth the time to download the trial version (for free) and evaluate it for yourself."-Edward S. Shelton (Shelton and Shelton)

"I found a product called Diff Doc that seems to work quite well for comparing Word documents against other Word documents! (I don't know how well it works with WordPerfect, though the documentation claims that it is supported). Like many of you, I was looking at DeltaView and was very upset at their inability to work with us on the pricing structure. Diff Doc can also run from command line, so integration with document managers is a snap (the author modified the code over a couple of hours for me to get it to work with WORLDOX Versioning. In return, I wrote his FAQ on WORLDOX integration). Download an evaluation copy at - Troy Piersma, excerpt from aTechnoLawyer Newsletter.
"Just read the TechnoLawyer post from Troy Piersma. I concur completely.  I recently left a big firm which used DeltaView, and looked to get an equivalent program after being blown off by the DeltaView sales rep because I wasn't big enough for their policy. My Tabs and Practices master reseller, Judy Lassek, had also put me in WORLDOX, with which I am very pleased. She had heard of DiffDocs through her network, and I downloaded it and tried it out. I had a hard time comparing versions of the same document at first, but after receiving an update from DiffDocs, it has worked very well for me. My practice is transactional, requiring revising contracts regularly, and the program works great for doing that kind of comparison. I recommend that solos and others try it out, if for no other reason than the company is such a refreshing change from its competition! However, that wouldn't make much difference if the product itself weren't good."  Michael V. Mulchay, PLC

Software customer, IBM "Great customer service, prompt attention to our requirements, and lightening speed development has been my experience with the staff at SoftInterface Inc. Within a few hours of installing the WordConverterEXE product, I was convinced that I made the right choice in doing business with this company.
For several months now, their product has been working in mission critical environment flawlessly. With a few enhancement requests that were completed and delivered the same day they were asked for, WordconverterEXE has saved us time and money.
It was a pleasure dealing with your team. Thanks Again!"
Bruce King, IBM Canada, Toronto, Ontario

Smartreviews review of the software.

As seen in "Inside Microsoft Excel". 

Read the review.

As seen in

Comparerite Replacement 'Diff Doc' review as seen in "Law Office Computing"