Document Comparison Command Line Examples

Command line examples for comparing of PDF, Word, TXT etc.

command line document comparison examples

Examples of Document Comparison by Command Line

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Below are some examples to choose from. Select the example closest to what you require and modify it. If you have any trouble using these examples see:

Note:  If you don't specify a particular option in the command line, the option will default to whatever was last set in the user interface.

Some examples below open DiffDoc once the compare is complete. Examples 3-6 close DiffDoc, but do create a report which is opened in the default app (e.g. Browser, Notepad, Excel).

Example Details

Example 1

Compare two TXT Files

Show Side by Side

Example 2

Compare two DOC Files

Show All In One

Create a log file

Example 3

Compare two DOC Files

Show All In One or Side by Side

Create HTML File Report and give it a title

Create Word File Report and give it a title

Create a log file

Exit when done

Example 4

Compare two DOC Files

Create Text File Report

Exit when done

Example 5

Compare two DOC Files

Create and open a CSV Report

Exit when done

Example 6

Compare two DOC Files

Create and open a DOC Report

Exit when done

Example 7

Compare two PDF Files with password "gonefishing"

Show Side by Side

Display status message after comparison

Example 1

DiffDoc /M "d:\a\Aristotle.TXT" /S "d:\a\Socrates.TXT" /V

This command line instructs DiffDoc to:

  • Compare two files "D:\A\Aristotle.TXT" to "D:\A\Socrates.TXT"
  • Display them in Side By Side mode.
  • Display the status of the comparison once completed (the / V switch - verbose).


Example 2

DiffDoc /M "d:\a\Aristotle.DOC" /S "d:\a\Socrates.DOC" /F1 /L D:\a\compare.LOG

This command line instructs DiffDoc to:

  • Compare two files "D:\A\Aristotle.DOC" to "D:\A\Socrates.Doc"
  • Display them in All In One mode (/F1).
  • Create a log file D:\a\Compare.LOG with the /L switch.


Example 3

DiffDoc /M "d:\a\Aristotle.DOC" /S "d:\a\Socrates.DOC" /F1 /R1 /T "D:\a\Report.HTM" /7"Geek Philosophers" /O /L"D:\A\compare.LOG" /X

This command line instructs DiffDoc to:

  • Compare two files "D:\A\Aristotle.DOC" to "D:\A\Socrates.Doc"
  • Display them in the All In One mode (/F1).
  • Generate an HTML report (/R1 /TD:\a\Report.htm) and a log file (/LD:\a\Compare.LOG).
  • Change the title of the html report (/7 "Geek Philosophers").
  • Open the report (/O) to be viewed once the comparison is done.
    Close DiffDoc once the comparison is done and the report has been opened (/X).

DiffDoc /M "d:\a\Aristotle.DOC" /S "d:\a\Socrates.DOC" /F2 /R1 /T "D:\a\Report.DOC" /7"Geek Philosophers" /O /L"D:\A\compare.LOG" /X

This variation of Example 3 instructs DiffDoc to:

  • Generate the same report as above, but side by side (/F2 replaces /F1).
  • Create the output report in html, but have it open in MS Word,  by giving the target file a *.DOC extension.


Example 4

DiffDoc /M "d:\a\Aristotle.DOC" /S "d:\a\Socrates.DOC"/R2 /T "D:\a\Report.TXT" /O /L "D:\A\compare.LOG" /X

This command line instructs DiffDoc to:

  • Compare two files "D:\A\Aristotle.DOC" to "D:\A\Socrates.Doc".
  • Generate a text report (/R2 /TD:\a\Report.TXT).
  • Generate a log file (/LD:\a\Compare.LOG).
  • Open the report (/O) to be viewed once the comparison is done.
  • Close DiffDoc once the comparison is done and the report has been opened (/X).


Example 5

DiffDoc /M "d:\a\Aristotle.DOC" /S "d:\a\Socrates.DOC" /R3 /T D:\a\Report.CSV /O /L D:\A\compare.LOG /X

This command line instructs DiffDoc to:

  • Compare two files "D:\A\Aristotle.DOC" to "D:\A\Socrates.Doc.
  • Generate a CSV report (/R3 /TD:\a\Report.CSV).
  • Generate a log file (/LD:\a\Compare.LOG).
  • Open the report (/O) to be viewed once the comparison is done.
  • Close DiffDoc once the comparison is done and the report has been opened (/X).


Example 6

DiffDoc /M "d:\a\Aristotle.DOC" /S "d:\a\Socrates.DOC" /R4 /T D:\a\Report.DOC /O /L D:\A\compare.LOG /X

This command line instructs DiffDoc to:

  • Compare two files "D:\A\Aristotle.DOC" to "D:\A\Socrates.Doc
  • Generate a DOC report (/R4 /TD:\a\Report.DOC).
  • Generate a log file (/LD:\a\Compare.LOG).
  • Open the report (/O) to be viewed once the comparison is done.
  • Close DiffDoc once the comparison is done and the report has been opened (/X).


Example 7

DiffDoc /M "C:\MyDocuments\FirstFile.PDF" /S "C:\MyDocuments\SecondFile.PDF" /8 gonefishing /F2 /V

This command line instructs DiffDoc to:

  • Compare two PDF files in the specified manner.
  • Handle PDFs with password protection (/8 password). In this case the password is gonefishing.
  • Display the results in the Side By Side mode (/F2).
  • Display  messages showing the status of the command line (/V).

See Also: