(Windows Only)
Richard M. Baker "We like the
product. It is fast and accurate. It seems to pick up all of the
differences in the documents, and it does a good job of
displaying those differences. We like the easy to use interface.
That is why we bought"
Technolawyer I found a product
called Diff Doc that seems to work quite well for comparing Word documents against other Word documents!
Hervorragender Kundendienst. Schnelle
Reaktion auf unsere Anfragen und sofortige Programmierung waren
meine Erfahrungen mit den Mitarbeitern bei Softinterface Inc.
(Vollständiger Text siehe
Bruce King, IBM Canada, Toronto,
"We look forward to using your product...
Dateien Vergleichen
mit 'Diff

MS Word/Excel, PDF,Text, RTF, HTML, etc. Dateien
[Mehr Infos]
Vergleichen Word/Excel/PowerPoint, Vergleichen
PDF, XML, Vergleichen RTF, TXT, HTM Dateien unter Beibehaltung der Formatierung
Bearbeiten der Dokumente innerhalb
des Programms, manuelle oder automatische Auffrischung
Einfaches Navigieren durch die
Vergleicht Texte aller Programme
Sehr detailliertes Aufzeigen von
Sowohl ‘Side by Side’- als auch
‘All in One’-Ansicht unterstützt
Alle Ansichten als DOC-, Text-,
RTF- oder HTML-Format abspeicherbar.
Detaillierte HTML-Reports sind
rasch druckbar und als Email versendbar. Sowohl ‘Side By Side’ als
auch ‘All In One’
[Jetzt downloaden]
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Unsere Tools werden weltweit von über 130.000 Benutzern
verwendet. Probieren Sie’s aus
und finden Sie heraus, warum SoftInterface eine der am schnellsten
wachsenden Software-Firmen in Amerika ist.
"I have a small (2 Attorney) law firm and do quite a bit of
contract intensive business law and real estate work. Like many
others I have been very frustrated by Word's erratic document
comparison tool. At times it highlights entire paragraphs rather
than just the changes. Like everyone else who has griped in this
forum, I too found the pricing of Delta View to be prohibitively
high. After reading about Word DocDiff here, I recently
downloaded the trial version from the Word DocDiff website
<https://www.softinterface.com> . I found the interface very useable
and the results (for my purposes) were quite good. It can provide
several different views illustrating the changes made to the
document as well as a combined "redline" document in word format
showing all of the changes. It can also provide a report identifying
the page and paragraph number where the changes are located.
I have only used the tool about twenty times so far and
therefore would hesitate to say it is the greatest thing since
sliced bread, however, I would say it is well worth the time to
download the trial version (for free) and evaluate it for yourself."
Edward S. Shelton (Shelton and Shelton)
"I found a product called Diff Doc that seems to
work quite well for comparing Word documents against other Word
documents! (I don't know how well it works with WordPerfect, though
the documentation claims that it is supported). Like many of you, I
was looking at DeltaView and was very upset at their inability to work
with us on the pricing structure. Diff Doc can also run from command
line, so integration with document managers is a snap (the author
modified the code over a couple of hours for me to get it to work with
WORLDOX Versioning. In return, I wrote his FAQ on WORLDOX
integration). Download an evaluation copy at
<https://www.softinterface.com/>." 'Diff
Troy Piersma excerpt from a
TechnoLawyer Newsletter.
"Just read the
post from Troy Piersma. I concur completely. I recently left a
big firm which used DeltaView, and looked to get an equivalent program
after being blown off by the DeltaView sales rep because I wasn't big
enough for their policy. My Tabs and Practices master reseller, Judy
Lassek, had also put me in WORLDOX, with which I am very pleased. She
had heard of DiffDocs through her network, and I downloaded it and
tried it out. I had a hard time comparing versions of the same
document at first, but after receiving an update from DiffDocs, it has
worked very well for me. My practice is transactional, requiring
revising contracts regularly, and the program works great for doing
that kind of comparison. I recommend that solos and others try it out,
if for no other reason than the company is such a refreshing change
from its competition! However, that wouldn't make much difference if
the product itself weren't good." Michael V. Mulchay, PLC
products are very impressive, easy to use and script compatible, for what
we desired in the management of MS Word and Excel files. Thank you for
your continue contact with me in regards to these tools. Mark
Purinton EMC Corporation 'Diff
Doc' + 'Convert Doc' |