'Text To Excel Wizard' Change History

Comprehensive Text to Excel/CSV File Conversion

Major Upgrades

  • Moving licenses between PCs on Windows 11 and greater was resolved: Version 8.30, June 2023

  • Certified Office 2022 compatibility, app load time reduced: Version 8.00. January 2023

  • Certified Windows 11 compatibility: Version 7.00. February 2022

  • Profile Method of conversion added. Excel not required for TXT to XLS/XLSX conversions! Version 4.00 3/2/2017

  • User interface extremely optimized. 20 times faster! Version 3.80. 2/8/2017

  • XLS and XLSX are now supported: Version 3.10. 1/17/2017

  • Windows 10 Compatibility. Version 3

  • Windows 8.1 Compatibility. Version 2

  • Windows 7 Compatibility: Version 2

Detailed Change History

8.30 (6/6/2023)

  • Moving a licenses between two computers with Windows 11 was failing.

8.20 (1/3/2023)

  • Application load time reduced. The number of input/output files within the drop down list box was reduced from 10 to 6 for faster load times. Scheduling form job source most recently used list was reduced from 20 to 10.

8.10 (1/3/2023)

  • Command line: Faster command line. Program GUI settings are no longer being saved needlessly at very end of job. NOTE: The time of execution reported by the app will be as before, since the efficiency implemented was after the timing code executes.

8.00 (1/3/2023)

  • Office 2022 compatibility completed. Note: Office 2022 was released at the same time as Windows 11.

7.20 (12/07/2022)

  • Documentation updated for accuracy and completeness.

7.00 (2/6/2022)

  • Certified Windows 11 compatibility

6.30 (12/11/2020)

  • Registration issue resolved. Users who are attempting to upgrade options (e.g. Server upgrade) and already had registered all users were running into problems. The newly purchased options were not being implemented.

6.20 (10/30/2020)

  • Sample batch files had incorrectly referenced the incorrect URL for further examples.
  • These sample batch files have been updated for clarity also.
  • Sample batch files are available in this folder after installation:

  • %appdata%\SoftInterface, Inc\TXL Wizard\

6.00 (5/7/2020)

  • Converting to XLSX files: The output files would be empty.

5.40 (3/8/2019)

  • User interface: Language selection dialog had a bug. Closing using the top right 'control box' we cause app to revert to English.

5.01 (4/24/2017)

  • Demo files will now be available for all users on the same computer. Each user will get a unique copy of the original demo files.

4.50 (3/29/2017)

  • Profile Method: For some systems editing/managing a profile would result in an error (missing component). Msflxgrd.ocx was not installed. Now resolved

4.30 (3/17/2017)

  • Profile Method: If doing more than one profile, an issue occurred when going first converting a larger than a smaller number of columns. Extra column data were introduced.

4.20 (3/14/2017)

  •  Installation was missing a DLL.

4.00 (3/2/2017)

  • Profile method added to make it 3 conversion methods total. Excel not required to convert from TXT to XLS/XLSX! Very fast method! Supports UNICODE/ASCII file types.
  • New Getting Started form now available from the HELP menu item. Use this to launch demonstrations and get general info.
  • Documentation completely updated.

3.90 (2/17/2017)

  • Conversion to CSV. Delimitation character can now be specified. Comma, tab, Bar etc.
  • Options tab last used is remembered on next opening.
  • Log is now more informative
  • Error handling greatly enhanced. No more message boxes during command line execution if /V is not used.
  • Command Line: Added /! switch to open conversion job file only.
  • Start\Programs\TXL Wizard\ menu item now has 3 demo conversion jobs available to load proper files automatically.
  • When selecting a Conversion Job from file menu it was not re-ordering them properly.
  • Recipe Method: If input text file had a line of data that began with an equal sign the app would error out.

3.80 (2/8/2017)

  • User interface amazingly optimized. 20 times faster!
  • If Output folder doesn't exist application will first attempt to create it before faulting out.
  • 'Conversion Job Files' are now supported. From the file menu you can now save and restore the applications settings. The last 5 'Conversion Job's are listed in the File menu for quick and easy access. 'Conversion Job' files will have a *.TXL file extension
  • 'Conversion Job' files (*.TXL) can be used as a batch file. Simply double click on it from Windows Explorer or whatever third part tool you can use to launch a process. Windows Scheduler comes to mind.....
  • Log now includes a time stamp at the top of the file.
  • Command Line: Log file is now supported with the /L{LogFileNameAndPath} switch
  • Command Line: Conversion Job files can now be specified in the command line using the /J switch.


3.50-3.70 (2/6/2017)

  • User interface improved.
  • Output File Selection dialog now supports XLSX file filter and defaults to the extension previously chosen.
  • Edit Input/Output buttons now only enabled if the file exists.
  • Clear sheet contents now leaves any formatting intact, and only clears values/textual content.
  • Recipe Editor Window should remember size between openings.
  • Tables with no ReadEndLine are now supported.

3.40 (1/25/2017)

  • Added error log at bottom of user interface for better reporting.
  • Added support for ? wildcard. Better handling of wildcards all around.
  • Added example batch files. One for recipe one for marked up method. See the %appdata%\Softinterface, Inc\TXL Wizard\ folder
  • Added ability for app to create folder for output if it did not exist previously
  • Command Line: Message boxes were coming up without /V switch.

3.30 (1/23/2017)

  • Users can specify the following in the program and command line and user interface:





3.20 (1/19/2017)

  • User interface further enhanced.
  • F5 and F9 implemented for Begin and Pause Conversion respectively
  • F2 implemented for Options hot key.
  • Path of the INI file and all other application data has changed from the installation folder (e.g. c:\Program Files\Softinterface, Inc.\TXL\config.ini) to
      %appdata%\SoftInterface, Inc\TXL Wizard\TXL.INI

3.10 (1/17/2017)

  • User interface re-designed for clarity and ease of use.
  • Manual updated.
  • Now supports XLSX as well as XLS and CSV.
  • Changed the names of the sample demo files to be more meaningful

3.00 (1/12/2017)

  • Windows 10 supported
  • Documentation updated. TXL Wizard On-line documentation now responsive to the device and user friendly.
  • Documentation updated: Local help file now remembers size and position of last run.

2.00 (10/21/2013)

  • Installation upgraded to handle Windows 8 and Windows 7.

1.08 to 1.10 (10/6/2011)

  • Updated help file system.

1.07 to 1.08 (9/1/2008)

  • Faster load times.

1.06 to 1.07 (8/5/2005)

  • Recipe builder enhanced for saving and restoring recipe information.

1.05 to 1.06 (6/28/2005)

  • Registration Issue resolved

  • New Icon implemented.

1.04 to 1.05 (4/21/2005)

  • New installation created, multi-lingual.

1.036 to 1.04 (4/19/2005)

  • Increased trial maximum number of processed text lines from 15 to 100.

  • Fixed issue associated with 'incorrect product code' error coming up during trial.

1.035 to 1.036 (2/7/2005)

  • Fixed an issue which only occurred in marked up files that had a single characters as the last field.

1.034 to 1.035 (5/12/2004)

  • Recipe Builder form can now be resized.


1.034 to 1.034 (5/11/2004)

  • Help file greatly enhanced.


1.033 to 1.034 (5/07/2004)

  • Additional issues with files containing tabs have been resolved.


1.032 to 1.033 (5/06/2004)

  • Handling of text files with tabs now handled better, particularly with recipe files.

  • Icon for the application enhanced


1.031 to 1.032 (5/05/2004)

  • Clearing of output XLS file now happing properly

  • Marked up files with tabs now working properly.


1.030 to 1.031 (5/04/2004)

  • Changed user interface to make it much easier to work with

  • Added new command line switch /C to clear worksheet contents before processing


1.028 to 1.030 (4/30/2004)

  • Minimizing the application would cause it to crash, fixed

  • Help button in the Table builder form is now correctly linked with help file

  • Options button added, now you can specify tab stop size, and whether or not to show Excel while processing

  • Two command line parameters added, /T# for tab stop size, and /E to show Excel while processing.


1.026 to 1.028 (4/29/2004)

  • Conversion was occurring properly, however, the file was not being saved. Fixed.


1.024 to 1.026 (4/29/2004)

  • User interface made even simpler


1.023 to 1.024 (4/27/2004)

  • Multi-file and multi-folder conversions now possible by specifying the input and output folders using the wildcard character (e.g. "c:\myinputfiles\*.txt").

  • Status bar placed near bottom of user interface to show, which file is being processed, how much time has gone by, which table, row, and column is currently being processed.

  • User friendly Convert and Pause buttons added

  • Help file implemented

  • Menu system enhanced



1.022 to 1.023 (4/22/2004)

  •  Fixed issues with some images that do not have resolutions set within them (uses default resolution, Windows 9x shows this, Windows 2K/XP "assume" resolutions if there are none set)


1.021 to 1.022 (4/15/2004)

  •    Enhanced installation

  •    Included demo files for example purposes in installation

  •    Improved documentation greatly.