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'Convert XLS' Solutions Forum - Conversion Job Files
The Comprehensive Excel Conversion Utility


Downloaded jobs all include a .sii job file.  To view the job file start 'Convert XLS', select File\'Open a Conversion Job' then browse to locate the file.  The job will appear in the 'Convert XLS' interface for your examination.  In some cases a data file has also been included so you can actually run the job.

NOTE: For all the jobs below:

  1. Download the ZIP file.

  2. Create a temporary folder, C:\Temp\ or C:\IN\, and unzip the contents there.

  3. Open the included 'Conversion Job File' (*.SII) from within 'Convert XLS' (see the File\Open Conversion Job\ menu item).

  4. Press the Convert button to see it work.



Job Description

How It Does It

Download the Conversion Job



Convert a CSV (comma delimited) file with data containing leading zeros to an Excel file


Input: Text File, Bar "|" delimited.   Some of the data contain comma's further complicating the task.

Output: Excel file


NOTES: This retains all textual data with leading zeros such as:

000123, 121133, 001211

Step 1: Convert the CSV to an XLS


Step 2: Special Process 108 Change Number format to TEXT


Step 3: Special Process 109 Search and Replace the ' character.


2 files are included: 
FileLeadningZeros.csv and




Bar Delimited Text File to Excel


Input: Text File, Bar "|" delimited.   Some of the data contain comma's further complicating the task.

Output: Excel file

Step 1: Special Process 56 Search and replace the Bar with a tab character.


Step 2: Convert the Tab Delimited file, TSV, to an Excel file.


2 files are included: 
Tryme.Tsv and




Transpose Data then Export to CSV

Input: Excel File. Records are in columns (not the usual row formation).

Output: CSV Text file, data is shown with records in rows.

Step 1: Special Process 110. Transpose the Excel file by swapping columns to rows and rows to columns.

Step 2: Convert the Excel file to a CSV file.

Step 3: Special Process 110. Restore the original Excel file back to its original state.




2 files are included: 





Append Worksheet data, Specify rows or columns to skip.


Input: Whole folder of excel files

Output: Excel file with specified data


NOTES: Append numerous Excel sheets from many workbooks, always skipping the first row. You can skip any rows or columns by reviewing this solution.

Step 1: Special Process 101. Copy Specified data from sheet to the same or different XLS file.

Step 2: 'Copy Specified Range', in this case it will be 2:30. We assume it we will never have more than 30 rows of data. The key of this job is how we specify the range. To specify whole sets of rows you use this format,


#:#             (for example, 2:30)


Where # is the first and last rows.  Note a similar technique can be applied for for specifying Columns. In this case the format is:


x:y              (for example, B:ZZ)


Where x is the lettered first column, and y is the lettered last column




1 file is included: 




Select specific Columns to export to a text/csv file, and rearrange the order of the columns. Remove header (1st row)


Input: Excel File

Output: Text File with specified columns, in the specified order with 1st row removed.


NOTES: For this example, we want columns A, C, and E to to be exported to a CSV/Text file, but we also want to rearrange the columns.  The order in the final output will be C, E, A.  The first row (containing header information) will be removed.

Step 1: Special Process 101. Copy Specified data from sheet to the same or different XLS file. Copy Column C ("C:C") to a temporary XLS file, Target.XLS.

Step 2: Special Process 101. Same as step 1, this time specify column E.

Step 3: Special Process 101. Same as step 1, this time specify column A.

Step 4: Special Process 107. Delete Specified Rows. Delete Row 1.

Step 5: Convert from XLS to CSV




2 file is included: 





Convert from XLS to Fixed Width Text File


Input: Excel File

Output: Fixed Width Text File


NOTES: This solution uses a special character that should not be used in any of the data.  The special character is ASCII 171 and looks like this: "«"


If you are using the "«" simply replace it with something else.

Step 1: Convert from XLS to CSV

Step 2: Special Process 209. Pad CSV to a fixed length field

Step 4: Special Process 75. Replace the "," delimiter with the "«" character, but not within double quotations.

Step 4: Special Process 56. Search and replace the "«" character with nothing.




2 file is included: 



7 Name:
Convert whole folder of CSV files to PDF with formatting.
Input: CSV File
Output: PDF File

NOTES: Here we create fancy PDF reports from plain CSV files by using a template.xls file.
Step 1. Special Process 112: Clears a template.xls of data, file which has formatting in it.
Step 2. Special Process 101: Copies csv data to template.xls
Step 3. Convert template.xls to a pdf




4 file is included: 

8 Name:
Remove Linefeed (CR+LF) from worksheet cells.
Input: XLSX File
Output: XLSX File

NOTES: When converting from Excel to a CSV file, newline characters can cause problems. Look at this example to see how to remove newline characters prior to converting to CSV or TXT.

Step 1: Special Process 109 Search and Replace the Linefeed (ASCII 10) character with the Space (ASCII 32) character.




2 file is included: 



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