Empower yourself with document comparison tools from Softinterface.

'Diff Doc' Slide 1 - All In One View

(The Comprehensive Document Comparison Tool)


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The 'All In One' (red-lined) view is shown here. Any of the editors shown can be edited, saved, and/or printed.  Below is a quick description of the user interface.






Upper Tool Bar

Refresh Difference Viewer (reloads files if necessary and highlights changes found)

Generate Report

Swap original and modified files

Find Text

Options specific to the file types being compared

Toggle to/from 'Side by Side' and 'All In One' view

mail report and

Navigate differences ( Last, Next, Previous, First, Specify)


Lower Tool Bar

File Selection, re-load file and launch file in default editor


Editor Windows

Load textual content to compare, F8 toggles these to visible and hidden


Difference Viewer

After comparison is completed, the red lined content appears here


Summary Buttons

See everything or only the additions, changes, or deletions.


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